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(England) Dorset
Basinger were a great Yeovil band that seldom get a mention in the higher echeons of the Yeovil hierachy of pop. The greatest Yeovil band of all time was undoubtedly The Chesterf!lds and Simon Barber proved there was life afterwards in Yeovil despite many local upsurpers trying there luck, not to mention Beat Hotel and the Urban Folk collective (Simon Tucker take a bow... ) Basingers soaring guitars and backing vocals from Stu Harris totally complimented Simon's driving bass and lead vocal style,none so finer as on the track "no thrills" which really deserved a far wider play on radio. Basinger can hold there heads up high,they did the Yeovil proud.

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Something (7") 1990
on West Records
Boomerang EP (12") 1992
on Wilde Club Records
Handsome / America (7") 1993
on Hair Records - HAIR
Last updated: 10-Sep-2009 © 1994-2025 TweeNet Creative Commons License